December 13, 2021
There is news about the next issue date of the Canadian Child Benefit (CCB) payments, it is to be on December 13, 2021. If you have not received your payment as of December 20th, you may want to check its status using your "My Account" or "MyBenefits CRA", which is the mobile app. The CRA will not be able to provide any further information upon this matter until December 20th.
The CCB is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. You will not receive your payment if your total benefit amount for the year is less than $240. Instead you will receive one lump sum payment with your July payment.
In order to keep receiving the CCB, you must make sure to file your taxes every year. As a firm that helps provide Tax season help, we can help make this process less stressful and more secure for you.